Black youth

Expert Q&A

Racism and Psychiatry

Topics: Black youth | Disparities | Diversity | Patient relationship | Race | Respectful Care

TCPR: What does a psychiatrist need to know about race in this era? Dr. Cyrus: Race and identity are hot topics, even for White people, so psychiatrists need to find a better way to talk about it. The pandemic brought the dynamics of oppression and inequality to the forefront in medicine. Racism is not just happening in the news, the protests, and the

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Research Update

ADHD Prevalence in the US Black Population

Topics: ADHD | Black youth | Diagnosis | Disparities | prevalence

REVIEW OF: Cénat JM et al, JAMA Psychiatry 2021;78(1):21–28 STUDY TYPE: Meta-analysis In the general population, the reported prevalence of ADHD is about 10%, with estimates varying from around 5% to 15%. Black individuals are typically underrepresented in these studies, and with fewer data, it is no surprise that the estimates are less precise

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