Psychiatric interviewing

Expert Q&A

Telepsychiatry: From Crisis to Opportunity

Topics: Billing | Computers in Psychiatric Practice | Coronavirus | COVID19 | HIPAA | Practice Tools and Tips | Psychiatric interviewing | Skype | Telemed

TCPR: Do patients like telepsych?Dr. Yellowlees: Yes. The studies show very high levels of patient satisfaction, higher even than what we see with in-person care. Most of those studies were done before 2010, when the technology was not as good and patients often traveled to their primary care doctor’s office to connect by telemed. I suspect the satisf

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Clinical Update

How to Diagnose ADHD in Bipolar Disorder

Topics: ADHD | ADHD Rating Scale-5 | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Bipolar Disorder | Bipolar II | Comorbidity | Diagnosis | Diagnostic Testing | Hypomania | Psychiatric interviewing

Hailey is a 24-year-old woman with bipolar II disorder who has recently come out of a mixed episode. Although her mood symptoms have resolved, she is distracted easily, has difficulty organizing her work, and often forgets important tasks. She read about ADHD online and asks if she can have a stimulant to help her focus. ADHD and hypomania share many

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Expert Q&A

When Further Medication Trials Seem Futile

Topics: Depression | Depressive Disorder | MAOIs | Patient relationship | Pramipexole | Psychiatric interviewing | Therapy during medication appointment | Therapy with Med Management | Treatment-Resistant Depression

TCPR: When it comes to medication trials, how do you know when enough is enough?Dr. Goldberg: I don’t think I would ever say “enough is enough,” but there is a point at which the probability of medicines having a big effect becomes very, very low. In depression, that point is pretty black-and-white in my mind: 5 trials. In a study from Massachuset

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Expert Q&A

A New Way to Talk to Patients about Medication

Topics: Collaborative care | Medication adherence | Patient relationship | Psychiatric interviewing | Psychotherapy | Therapy with Med Management

TCPR: We all want to communicate better with patients, particularly around medications. You’ve lead workshops on this for several decades. Tell us about the model you developed out of that work. Dr. Shea: The Medication Interest Model (MIM) is a set of over 100 interview techniques that create shared decision making regarding all disease states from

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