
Expert Q&A

Reduced Life Expectancy in ADHD

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Life coaching | Life expectancy | Longevity | Medication | methylphenidate | Mortality | stimulant | Teen | teens

CCPR: To start, tell us about how the thinking has changed in terms of health consequences from ADHD. Dr. Barkley: In the 1970s, we saw ADHD as an educational disorder with impacts on school behavior and academic achievement. Around that same time, there was a parallel path recognizing ADHD as a social problem in family functioning and peer relationshi

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Research Update

Can Stimulants Prevent Crime?

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Crime | Criminal behavior | Learning & Developmental Disabilities | Medication | stimulant | Teen | teens

Review of: Mohr-Jensen C et al, J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2019;58(4):443–452 ADHD has long been linked to antisocial behavior leading to arrests and incarcerations. Children and young adults with ADHD are more likely to be charged with anything from traffic violations to violent crimes. However, these associations do not prove causality. I

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Research Update

Methylphenidate Max Dosing

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Medication | methylphenidate | stimulant | Teen | teens

Review of: Ching C et al, JAMA Pediatr 2019;173(7):630–639 Methylphenidate was one of the first stimulants prescribed for the treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults. Its efficacy is clear, and its availability in immediate release, sustained release, osmotic release oral system (OROS, brand name Concerta), and transdermal patch keep

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Research Update

Risk of Psychosis With Stimulants in ADHD Patients

Topics: ADHD | adolescents | amphetamine | Child Psychiatry | children | Free Articles | Medication | methylphenidate | pediatric | Psychosis | Research Update | stimulant | teens

Review of: Moran LV et al, N Engl J Med 2019;380(12):1128–1138 In 2007, the FDA required stimulant manufacturers to warn of possible psychosis with stimulants. But what is the real incidence? This study set out to find and discern if there is a difference between methylphenidate and amphetamine classes of medications. Drawing from two large comm

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Clinical Update

How to Treat ADHD in Bipolar Disorder

Topics: ADHD | Alpha Agonists | Amphetamines | ArModafinil | Atomoxetine | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Bipolar Disorder | Bipolar II | Comorbidity | Guanfacine | methylphenidate | Modafinil | Nuvigil | Pharmacology | Provigil | Psychopharmacology | Psychopharmacology Tips | stimulant | Stimulants

Patients with bipolar disorder often present with cognitive complaints. Our October 2021 issue laid out a diagnostic plan for these symptoms, and in this article, I’ll cover some treatment approaches for patients with a DSM-based ADHD-bipolar comorbidity (ie, the ADHD symptoms began in childhood and persist after the mood episodes have stabilized).

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Clinical Update

Atomoxetine: Myths and Truths

Topics: ADHD | Atomoxetine | stimulant | Stimulants

Atomoxetine (Strattera) is approved for ADHD in children and adults but has also been explored in many other disorders. That has led to some myths and truths that we’ll explore here. First, a little about atomoxetine’s mechanism of action. Atomoxetine is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, a mechanism shared by maprotiline, a long-forg

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Clinical Update

Stimulants and Creativity

Topics: ADHD | Amphetamines | ArModafinil | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Creativity | methylphenidate | Modafinil | Provigil | Side Effects | stimulant | Stimulants

Your patient is a 25-year-old music teacher with ADHD. Though her organizational skills have improved with methylphenidate, she complains that it impairs her performance as a jazz musician: “I feel self-conscious, like a robot.” Popular lore holds that creative people have ADHD traits and that ADHD bestows advantages in creative thinking. Stock c

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