
Issue Highlights

Highlights From This Issue

Topics: ADHD | adolescents | Child Psychiatry | Teen | teens

The long-term effects of ADHD on longevity support assertive treatment in childhood and adolescence. Most reading programs that are heavily marketed do not have direct research demonstrating their efficacy; however, we can learn the important principles and offer families guidance. There are many practical strategies to help families manage AD

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Are Target Symptoms More Important Than Diagnosis?

Topics: ADHD | adolescents | Research | Teen | teens

Recently I evaluated Caroline, a 15-year-old patient who presented with symptoms of depression, including insomnia, poor appetite, loss of interest in friends and activities, and inability to focus on her schoolwork. In addition, Caroline described a sad, dark view of herself, the state of the world, and her future. It seemed clear that I needed to addr

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Expert Q&A

Reduced Life Expectancy in ADHD

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Life coaching | Life expectancy | Longevity | Medication | methylphenidate | Mortality | stimulant | Teen | teens

CCPR: To start, tell us about how the thinking has changed in terms of health consequences from ADHD. Dr. Barkley: In the 1970s, we saw ADHD as an educational disorder with impacts on school behavior and academic achievement. Around that same time, there was a parallel path recognizing ADHD as a social problem in family functioning and peer relationshi

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Expert Q&A

Reimagining ADHD

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Relationships | Teen | teens

CCPR: Thanks for speaking with us today, Dr. Hallowell. Please tell us about your work. Dr. Hallowell: I’m a writer, a speaker, and a practicing psychiatrist. I have offices in Boston, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. I went to Harvard College, Tulane Medical School, Harvard residency, and fellowship at Mass Mental Health Center. After that I wa

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Research Update

Can Stimulants Prevent Crime?

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Crime | Criminal behavior | Learning & Developmental Disabilities | Medication | stimulant | Teen | teens

Review of: Mohr-Jensen C et al, J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2019;58(4):443–452 ADHD has long been linked to antisocial behavior leading to arrests and incarcerations. Children and young adults with ADHD are more likely to be charged with anything from traffic violations to violent crimes. However, these associations do not prove causality. I

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Research Update

Methylphenidate Max Dosing

Topics: ADHD | attention | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Medication | methylphenidate | stimulant | Teen | teens

Review of: Ching C et al, JAMA Pediatr 2019;173(7):630–639 Methylphenidate was one of the first stimulants prescribed for the treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults. Its efficacy is clear, and its availability in immediate release, sustained release, osmotic release oral system (OROS, brand name Concerta), and transdermal patch keep

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