
Expert Q&A

A Primer on Vaping: 15 Years On

Topics: E-Cigarettes | Smoking Cessation | teens | Vaping

CATR: Can you give us your professional background? Dr. Kaliamurthy: I finished medical school in India followed by an adult psychiatry residency and child psychiatry fellowship at the Institute of Living in Hartford, CT. I then completed an addiction psychiatry fellowship at Yale and am currently an attending psychiatrist at the Children’s National

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Clinical Update

Inhalants: An Invisible Danger

Topics: huffing | Inhalants | teens

Inhalants are a diverse group of chemical compounds that are inhaled to obtain a brief high that is a little like an alcohol buzz. Many common household items can be used as inhalants. They include air dusters, epoxies such as model airplane glue, and a variety of hydrocarbons such as butane lighter fluid, gasoline, paint thinner, and other cleaning sol

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Clinical Update

Misuse of Over-the-Counter Medications

Topics: drug misuse | Over the counter | teens

Misuse of over-the-counter (OTC) medications is more common than you might think, especially among younger patients. In 2020, 3.2%–4.6% of high schoolers intentionally misused an OTC medication at least once in the past year (www.tinyurl.com/u7rxzvvp). The top three most frequently misused OTC medications are the cold medication dextromethorphan (D

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