
Clinical Update

Psychiatric Medication–Induced Hyperprolactinemia

Topics: Antipsychotics | endocrinological side effects | Prolactin

A 26-year-old female patient with schizophrenia tells you she is certain she is pregnant. You run a pregnancy test, which comes back negative, but she continues to insist that she is pregnant “because I haven’t had a period in three months.” She began risperidone 2 mg twice daily about four months earlier. You check her prolactin level, and it is

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Expert Q&A

Sex-Based Treatment of Schizophrenia

Topics: Estrogen | Female Issues in Psychiatry | Gender | Hormone Replacement Therapy | HRT | Oral Contraceptives | Osteporosis | Post-menopausal | Prolactin | Raloxifene | SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) | Women’s Issues in Psychiatry

CHPR: Dr. Kulkarni, you’ve written about sex-based differences in symptoms and prognosis of schizophrenia. What are some of these differences? Dr. Kulkarni: Compared to men, women with schizophrenia experience a more benign course of illness, including fewer psychiatric relapses and hospitalizations. They are more likely to be employed and married an

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Research Update

Hyperprolactinemia: Effective Treatment With Aripiprazole

Topics: Aripiprazole | Prolactin

Review of: Zheng W et al, General Psychiatry 2019;32(5):e100091 Antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia is a common adverse reaction contributing to treatment non-adherence. Male patients are embarrassed by the resulting breast enlargement, and female patients experience amenorrhea, infertility, and reduced bone density. We can bring prolactin level

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Research Update

Vitamin B6 Lowers Prolactin on Antipsychotics

Topics: Antipsychotics | double blind | Prolactin | Randomized controlled trial | RCT | Schizophrenia | Vitamin B6

REVIEW OF: Zhuo C et al, Front Psychiatry 2021;12:681418 STUDY TYPE: Randomized, double-blind trial with an active control Hyperprolactinemia, a common problem on antipsychotics, can cause multiple issues, including sexual dysfunction and gynecomastia. It is a particular problem in treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS), as these patients often need

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